Sunday, February 12, 2012

Cooks Collegium Coffeehouse and Coffeehouse Class

Because of the Coffeehouse I planned and ran at the 40 year celebration, I was asked to plan and run a more period version for the Cooks Collegium when it took place in the Barony of Ayreton, specifically in the Canton of Vanished Woods.

The research for the coffeehouse was extensive so I actually turned it into a class handout to be available to my customers if they were interested. Anyone interested in the class notes, feel free to contact me.

Courage Tart
England – 1588 The Good Huswifes Handmaide for the kitchen, Thomas Dawson, 39

Banbury Cakes
England 1649 - The English Hous-wife, Gervase Markham, 80.

Shortbread Cookies (Fine Cakes)
England – 1588 The Good Huswifes Handmaide for the kitchen, Thomas Dawson

Lebanese Baklava
Baghdad 1226 – Kitab al-Tabikh, Muhammad bin al-Hasan b. Muhammad b. al-Karim.
Translated by Charles Perry, 99.

Persia 800-1000, Medieval Islamic Civilization:An Encyclopedia, Vol.1, Josef W. Meri, Jere L. Bacharach, 204

Istanbul 1500s -  Seyahatname, Evliya Celebi.
"By the mid 1600s there were 70 bakeries, employing 300 bakers, in Istanbul alone according to Celebi and simit making was a regulated profession with numerous rules and strictures governing the bakers."

Baghdad from 1069–1073 - The Divan-ı Lüğat-i Türk, Mahmud al Kashgari

Ember Day Tart
England 1300s -  Curye on Inglish, Constance B. Hieatt (ed.), Sharon Butler (ed.)

Everything was very well received. The Ember Day Tart I made deep dish so it was more substantial, like a quiche. I made the noodles for the Tutmac from scratch. The Lebanese baklava was actually redacted from a recipe in The Baghdad Cookery Book. Wasn't able to find a recipe on the web to link.

I gave out a good number of recipe redactions that day and sold out.

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