Sunday, February 12, 2012

Ayreton Carnivale

Carnivale Feast Menu

Smoked Brisket
His Excellency, Serjeant Henry of Exeter

Roast Pork with Fig Sauce
Mistress Gianetta Andreini da Vicenza

Vegetable Barley Soup
Dame Jocelyn of Lutterworth

Chicken Bitka with horseradish cream
Recipe Courtesy of Lady Bojei Timur

Pickled Cucumber and Eggs
Baroness Sarafina Sinclair

Spanish Salad
The Honorable Lady Elaine Ladd

Saffron Ryse with raisins of corrance
Dame Nicholaa Halden

Seasonal Fruit Pies
Mistress Margherita Alessia

Apple Pies
Lady Ann of Walton Woods

Beer Bread
Lady Marissa de Courette

Chicken Bitka
Rose Cream Pudding
Foxvale’s infamous Carrot Fritters
Syrup of Basil
Syrup of Sour Grapes
Lady Kara Atladottir

This feast was a fun feast. When I started to plan it, I really wanted to encourage Baronial participation. So I suggested it be a "Taste" of Ayreton. I chose types of dishes, proteins, vegetables, starches, sweets, and then thought long and hard about who of the talented cooks of our area I'd like to reach out to and what I'd like them to make. Once I had the major dishes out of the way, I allowed any other volunteers to offer up their specialty. It was served buffet style, with the meat being carved, mostly because of the space constraints of the site. Once the dishes were assigned and budget numbers alloted, all I did was sit back and wait until the day of to prepare my dishes and receive the already prepared and assigned menu items.

Very well received.

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