Friday, September 14, 2012

Some Recentish Embroidery

Cotehardie detail work

Norse Woman's Coat detail

Trim, beaded and embroidered for the Midlands Largess Project, round 1

Wow...More Scrolls

Okay so for some reason I thought I had posted these as well. Turns out I did not. Enjoy.
Purple Fret for THL Bojei Temur

Purple Fret

Award of Arms

Treaty between the Canton of Foxvale and the Barony of Carraig Ban
Dragon's Barb for Aengus O'Nolan

Where did the time go?

I'll tell you where...No where. It just went. New post from a new home with a new life. Same Viking Cupcake. So, instead of boring the four of you with the epic saga of where I've been all these many moons, I'll show some of what I've done in the next few posts.

I'll start with some award scrolls.

 Court Barony for His Excellency Anton du Marais      

Dragon's Heart

Dragon's Treasure for twin brother and sister

 So, I've been a little busy with scribal. I've been working on my figure drawing and shading work. I've also been practicing my insular majascule when appropriate.